Monday, February 3, 2020

What We Miss About Canada

Half-way through our time in Sesimbra...WOAH, that was fast!

Occasionally the kids mention home, and what they'll do "when we get back...", but we haven't really had to deal with homesickness yet. I imagine the fact that we're all together, and we know we will return in August helps!

For "blog" fun this week, I asked:
What do you love about Portugal?
What do you miss about Canada?

Catacombs from 3200BC

Love: She pauses, looks up in thought, then answers with a huge grin on her face: "Noodles, galinha e peixe." Translation: noodles, chicken and fish. She really loves her food at pre-school.  Every other day at pick-up I am told how well she eats!
Miss: "Um...I don't know." Fair enough--I'm not sure how much she remembers of home.  She occasionally, and without prompting or even context, will say to me "I'm from Canada". So much sweetness!

Love: Opens her eyes super wide and says "The food!". Me: "Anything in particular?". Her: "All of it. It's all so good. Like farturas, beijinhos, croquettes, palmeirs." (Note: these are all deep-fried, and most are covered in sugar. Same taste preferences as her mamma!). Me: "Anything else you love?". Her: "Swimming in the ocean. We don't have much ocean in Canada. And here, well, it's everywhere. I really love it. Oh, and it's warm here. I like that."
Miss: Makes a goofy face and giggles "Snoooooooow!" Pauses, thinks, says "And cousins. And friends."

Love: Without hesitation, and with his mouth full of one, he says: "Pasteis de Nata (custard tarts)". Me: "Anything else?" Him: "Um, yeah...fresh grilled fish." Me: "Is that all?". Him: "The weather. Sure, yeah, that."
Miss: All in one breath, with custard all over his lips: "Snow and friends." Mic drop.

Love: "Of course the weather, the ocean, the food. The family time--it's just less busy here. And time with you." Me: "Aw, that's sweet." I raise an eyebrow: "What do you want?!" LOL. But really, we are both surprised at how we are not tired of each other yet--we spend a LOT of time together. Go ahead, roll your eyes :)
Miss: "My bed." Our mattress here isn't great. :(

Enjoying a sunny day and tasty seafood, oceanside

Love: The weather.  Can I tell you: it's February, it's sunny and 20C. It makes me so happy! It's so easy to get outside. The other night we all went out for a walk under the light of the moon/stars/street lights, wearing light sweaters. OMG. I also love the food (bread, pastries, fish), cheap delicious wine, and extra time for me, Mark and the kids.
Miss: Massages from my RMT, an insulated bath tub (despite being filled with hot water, anything touching the bottom of an uninsulated tub gets cold, fast!), and an in-house clothes dryer (winter is humid: You have to plan laundry around the weather.)
It's February 3, and I'm barefoot on the beach

And, Mark and I are not heartless: friends and family! But with my wonderful relatives here, time with eachother, new friends, lots of visitors, and modern communication connecting with all of you, we are not lonely :) Whew! It could have gone the other way!

Sightseeing on a date day: Sado Estuary Natural Reserve


  1. We can't wait to taste, see and touch everything that you have shown us - and, of course, give you all lots of hugs!!!

  2. I think you’re really great at documenting this amazing family adventure! I love learning about all you’ve seen and done ...and tasted ;)

  3. Queridos McCann, foi tão bom estar com vocês!
    What a beautiful and inspiring family!
    Looking forward to seeing you again mid-March.
    Gozem bem e aproveitem a comida, o tempo e a localização fabulosa da vossa casa!
    Muitos beijinhos
